I'm now one week post-op. I'm trying not to overdo it, but starting to push things a little more. My restrictions are still no lifting more than 10lbs for about another week and to gradually increase activities. Most people go back to work in a sedentary position after two weeks, but my job is a bit more physically demanding, so I need to be able to lift at least 50lbs on a regular basis without incident.
This past weekend, my wonderful boyfriend drove over where I'm dog/house sitting to give me a little bit more of a hand and to engage the pup with some more physical activity that I cannot currently provide. We went into downtown Bothell, walked around the park and up to one of my favorite coffee shops. It was hot, I was tired and sweating but the iced coffee was nice and the dog got lots of treats. We probably walked in total about 1 mile, stopping as needed. There is also a convenient dog park there, so he ran around with the dog inside the gates as she is awkward around other dogs (girl after my own heart). After coming back to the house, we all collapsed on the sofa, hydrated, and watched some Ted Lasso. Later that evening, a friend and his 5 year old stopped by to drop off some dinner (I'm now a fan of Afghan food) and the kiddo took whatever last bit of energy the dog had by playing fetch with her. She is now exhausted and barely moved throughout the night...or if she did I was too comatosed to notice.
My energy is improving along with the soreness. There is no longer much soreness at my abdominal wall, I feel more the internal aspects healing. There has not been any need to take pain medication and I am currently on a lower anti-inflammatory dosage and stool softeners (yep, we're not done with the TMI yet). I so appreciate everyone who has checked in. I promise that I have been behaving, allowing myself to rest, monitoring pain and ensuring that I am not lifting more than 10lbs.
The purpose of this blog series has been to break up a lot of the taboo feelings around female system. As I mentioned earlier, most women who work in more sedentary jobs return to work in two weeks, more strenuous physical activity at 6 weeks, and penetrative intercourse at around 8 weeks. They have about two check-ups in those 8 weeks but rarely any other advice on specific activities. I'd like to bring you with me on my recovery process as I get back to certain milestones. As a pelvic floor PT, I have helped too many women who have done too much too soon (out of lack of being appropriately educated or having no other choice) or those who are looking for advice to get back to weight lifting, running, and other activities. There are also some women who struggle with returning to intercourse due to physical pain or a mental block. You'll be following me returning to activity and a more "normal" routine and as I process what my body is capable of doing not just without a uterus, but also without endometriosis. The latter has me very excited at the prospect of life without endometriosis.
I hope you will stay with me on this journey and I welcome questions along the way.
Kathleen Neal, DPT
